TGIF everyone! What a week! Shira Bess Interiors celebrated its ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY (woohoo!) and apparently it was National Margarita Day?!
I'll save my mushy "what a great year-can't believe all that's happened" post for another day. A time when I can share in greater detail how this whole biz, blog, and passion project came to be. But for now, I'm sharing my absolute favorite piece to decorate with: the round mirror. We pretty much have one in every single room in our home and I feel a little vulnerable letting you in on my big design secret!
To me, it's the perfect little black dress, white t-shirt, or pair of jeans. It literally goes EVERYWHERE and compliments every room.
Via Pinterest
Via One Kings Lane + Design by Erin Featherstone
Design by Sarah Sherman Samuel
Unlike artwork, where you have to be sure you love the genre, color, design, artist, etc., a mirror allows you to hang something on the wall with little financial commitment and a whole lot of impact! Plus mirrors reflect light, make small spaces feel bigger, and generally make a room happy! In addition, round mirrors cut up all of the linear lines from walls and furniture. I'm a big fan, clearly.
Design by Amber Interiors
I've rounded up some of my favorite round mirrors to lighten up any entry, bathroom, bedroom, living room, den, office, playroom, or dining room.