OK, so not so shocking confession over here: I LOVE RATTAN. I see something rattan, and no matter what it is, I feel I have to have it. Vase, chair, stool, side table, mirror, tray...BRING. IT. ON.
I think it's a combo of my early 80s upbringing in South Florida coupled with my attraction to things (and people for that matter!) that aren't too fussy. Rattan certainly has the whole "I'm beachy, casual, mesh well with others, and I'm not gonna take myself too seriously" thing down pat.
Design by Amber Interiors
I've been plotting ways to incorporate a rattan bed into our home for quite some time and I'm OBSESSED with this one and this one. Both a bit of a splurge, but totally worth the impact they would have in any room, don't you think? I can envision them in a playroom or a guest room, or in the middle of our family room for that matter!
But since we're renting for now, and I can't possibly justify buying any big piece of furniture for a room that doesn't exist yet, I'm digging this "steal" beauty. Technically a bench not a bed, I'm loving the fact that it also comes in black! How cute would it be in an entry, on a stair landing, or at the foot of a bed?!