I absolutely LOVE the look of pretty straw hats and bright woven beach bags hung on a wall. It's just got this cool, organic, "I'm not going to take myself too seriously" vibe that I really dig. Plus, vertical styling will always be your friend. Remember that. Designing upwards optimizes prime real estate on the floor and gives your room a unique, lived in feel.
Straw hats and bags add a bit of fun whimsy to any space, plus they are extremely practical and tend to be way less expensive than traditional framed artwork! And incase you missed it, I'M A BIG FAN OF PRACTICAL INTERIOR DESIGN! And by that, I mean, if you already own it and it looks good, or you want to own it and will definitely use it, I fully support you buying it, loving it, using it, and HANGING IT ON A WALL!
Design by Christina Prescott Design
With Spring Break right around the corner, and those warmer temps coming everyone's way, I wanted to dedicate this Tuesday post to readying your space for those sunny days ahead! [Sidetone: I've also been known to create an entry or bedroom wall installation out of winter scarves, necklaces, my husbands skateboards, legos, and baby shoes but for the sake of this post we'll stick with beach totes and straw hats!]
Design by Amber Interiors
Via Avenue Lifestyle
Via Design Sponge
Via Pinterest
Design by Amber Interiors
Via Pinterest
Via A Beach Cottage
Design by Camille Styles
Don't these rooms make you feel as if every room should have a straw tote or hat displayed somewhere?
Well you're in luck! I've rounded up some AMAZINGLY GORGEOUS straw totes and hats to add to both your home AND wardrobe. You're welcome.
(I'm trying something new with this post thanks to the RewardStyle.....You can either click the "+" icons next to any of the totes or hats below to be magically redirected to its site to purchase OR click the image under "Shop These Straw Bags" and "Shop These Straw Hats" .)